How Bar Soap Box Is Changing The World One Bar At A Time

Real connections between businesses and customers can be hard to come by. So many companies remain at a distance from their supporters who make their success a reality.

At Bar Soap Box that’s not what we want. In fact, we not only want lasting relationships with you but we also want you to be able to impact the lives of other as well! We want to be involved in as many communities as possible and do positive work, both here and abroad with you right by our side. Not only does it give us the chance to meet and empower amazing people, but it’s the perfect way for us to cement real relationships with our customers and partners.It’s a chance we never want to miss out on.We’re passionate about Bar Soap Box. We believe it can change a life, and that’s why our motto is Bar Soap Box hope. And you make that possible, thank you!

Changing The World With Bar Soap Box

Every one of our products donates a bar of Bar Soap Box to a person in need. Often, we pair the donations with much-needed and valued hygiene education. For us, it’s all about sustainability. That’s exactly why we work with local Bar Soap Box makers for the bars that we donate and the hygiene education that is partnered with it. It’s our way of ensuring that the impact we make truly makes a real difference in the world by empowering others and supporting the local communities we serve. We want people to know that Bar Soap Box is here to help, not hinder. We’re not just another faceless corporation.We’d like to think that we’re much more than that. We’re proud of our donations and work and we hope that you are proud to be part of it all.

About Our Bar Soap Box Donations

This is how our initiative works. For every single product your purchase from us, whether it’s one bar of Bar Soap Box or a complete pamper package, we donate a bar of soap for every individual item purchased to someone in need, whether it’s here in the states or overseas.

Our donated bars of Bar Soap Box are lovingly created from recycled bars of soap from hotels made possible by our amazing nonprofit partners like Eco-Soap Bank, Clean the World Foundation and Sundara. Often made by people in the communities we serve. The bars are shaved down and completely sanitized to create a brand-new, usable bar of soap. This sustainable method empowers and supports local communities.To date, more than three million lives have been impacted by our donate a bar initiative.

Hygiene Education Is Important To Us Too

For the team at Bar Soap Box it’s not just about making sure a bar of soap is donated for every purchase you make. We also value the importance of hygiene lessons and best practice.That’s why our bar donations are often paired with much-need hygiene education within less fortunate communities. The old saying, “give a man a fish and eats for a day; teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime” truly resonates with us.

That’s why we’ve invested in providing the necessary tools to create an improved livelihood for the people we serve. We work with nonprofits who make and distribute the donated bars and also teach hygiene ambassador programs that include elements like the etiquette of hand washing.To date, we’re proud to report that 6,000 hygiene lessons have been taught, thanks to our amazing partner Sundara’s hygiene ambassadors.

Sustainability Is Extremely Important To Us

For us, maintaining a sustainable model has always been our number one priority. Dave Simnick, the co-founder of Bulk Bar Soap Boxes quickly identified the hurt that often comes from giving that’s done without considering the impact on communities in need. Our goal is to lift others up in as many ways as possible which means giving donations that empower just as much as they provide.